Testosterone is the hormone what makes a man – a man, even before he is born. Because everything – or just about everything in every man`s life and health – depends on this hormone. Your sexuality, muscles, overall physical endurance, as well as your career are all determined by testosterone.

There are several male hormones called androgens, but testosterone is the most important one. Like a manager, it guides the work of many systems in the body.

Testosterone influences creativity, thinking, intellect, energy levels, and behavior. Not to mention its impact on a man’s health and life expectancy.

Testosterone is The King’s Hormone and the King of The Hormones

Testosterone is also called the “success hormone”. Men with high testosterone levels try to take the initiative and subordinate others. They express their opinions decisively and also their anger, they are energetic and quite successful.

Professor James Dubbs investigated 5,000 Vietnam War veterans and found that the desire to become famous at all costs was characteristic of men with high levels of testosterone, but with low levels of education and income.

He found, that more successful men dealed with their energy by engaging in areas that were more accepted by society – for example, they drove on speed cars instead of stealing them.

The professor also found that “extroverted” professions – actors, footballers, lawyers – have higher levels of testosterone than, for example, church workers. In this way, virtually every aspect of life is affected by this all-powerful hormone.

Testosterone and its Fluctuations

By the 23rd week of pregnancy, testosterone levels are 5 to 6 times higher in future boys than in girls. By this time, virtually all organs and systems that are affected by testosterone will stop developing. Another increase is observed immediately after birth and during sexual maturation.

After the age of 35, a “testosterone factory” will begin to shrink its activities due to andropause (menopause in men).

However, there are factors that can influence the amount of this important male hormone, regardless of man’s age.

Low Testosterone – How Low Is Too Low?

A man’s normal total testosterone range is about 300 nanograms per deciliter (ng/dL). The upper limit is about 800ng/dL. A lower-than-normal score on a blood test can be caused by a number of conditions written below.


18 Factors Affecting Testosterone Levels

1. Food

There is no cholesterol in plant food, and without cholesterol, the body cannot produce testosterone. Sure, fasting does not make a man an eunuch, but long-term strict vegetarian diet reduces energy levels and sexual drive. In other words, “the meat warms the blood”.

2. Female sex hormones

Unfortunately, men are drowning in the sea of ​​estrogens, the female hormones. The meat of animals raised with hormone supplements, as well as the overabundance of beer rich in phytoestrogens, do not add masculine power.

Even soy products are not recommended by some professionals for pregnant women when she is expecting a boy. Because baby boy development in mothers belly may suffer.

There are also quite a number of chemical substances in the surrounding environment that have similar effects – such as in plastic, skincare products, daily hygiene products and pesticides.

Read about how silicons, parabens and other toxic and harmful compounds in our daily skincare products affect male hormones in our previous article.

3. Climate

The nations living in the North have not been very lucky. Because the sun’s rays stimulate the production of male hormones. As a result, people in the resorts are feeling the increase in sexuality, and people in the South are considered the hottest lovers, as testosterone levels are higher in warm climate.

4. Alcohol

Alcohol is a real poison. Along with rising blood alcohol levels, testosterone levels fall. Consuming alcohol in an amount that induces a hangover will reduce testosterone levels by 20% for about 10 to 12 hours. And today’s life burners, who love spending time in bars, will be powerless, sick and not enough men tomorrow.

5. Stress

Divorce, unresolved problems, money troubles, unemployment – all of this causes testosterone levels to fall. One study found that noise from airplane turbines in direct proximity reduces testosterone levels in young men twice!

This means that severe work overload, prolonged stress and, of course, depression shorten a man’s active lifetime.

6. Overheating

Prolonged overheating of the testicles can make a man sterile for a while.

7. Shortage of space

Italian scientists have found that men who wear elastic synthetic lingerie are twice as likely to be infertile. Infertility is one and a half times more prevalent among men who wear skinny jeans. Since testosterone production and sperm production are closely related, it can be confirmed that boxers are the choice of the real man.

8. Infections

Parotitis (mumps), infectious mononucleosis, hepatitis, urethritis, and sexually transmitted diseases can disrupt testosterone production and provoke the onset of premature andropause.

However, sex, physical activity (especially energetic walking, swimming, golf), and general stimulants, although associated with some risk, help to increase hormone levels. However, as far as oysters and other aphrodisiacs are concerned, they are unfortunately not affecting the testosterone production.

9. Emotions – how do you stimulate your brain?

American scientists have found that while men are watching thrills, the testosterone levels increase up to 30%. On the other way around, romantic stories lower testosterone levels. Maybe that’s why our dear companions don’t like to watch melodramas and soap operas? In this way their masculinity raises protest.

10. Age

The typical middle age man gradually loses interest in life and love. His power and energy begin to fade. Mental and physical fatigue affects him for no apparent reason. A social optimist becomes a depressed pessimist with whom it is increasingly difficult to work and live. There are also problems in bed. Pretty joyful picture, right?

And there are hundreds of such men around us. In this case, we neglect it, and think it`s an inevitable middle age crisis or andropause. Yet few know that everything can be changed with testosterone therapy.

This is a relatively young direction. Because, to date, not all doctors and patients recognize andropause (male menopause) as a special medical condition that needs to be diagnosed and treated.

And while millions of women in the world have learned to help their body at this difficult time, the stronger side has been neglected. However, the symptoms of andropause may appear in a 30-year-old man. If you find out right away that there are male doctors – urologists and andrologists – you can prevent an early crash. What’s more, recent studies give hope that testosterone therapy will also help to treat Parkinson’s disease, paralysis and cardiovascular disease.

11. Injury to the testicles

12. Testicular cancer or treatment for testicular cancer

13. Hormonal disorders


15. Chronic liver or kidney disease

16. Type 2 diabetes

17. Obesity

18. Medicines and genetic conditions

Surgery, the use of some medications, and some genetic conditions can also lower the production of the “king’s hormone”.

In some cases, the cause is unknown

Low testosterone is caused by age

The Testosterone Revolution

The theory of male menopause, or, as it was said back then, “extinction”, dates back to the late eighteenth century. Dr. Hooper, from London, wrote in his medical dictionary: “Men’s extinction is a real disease that has nothing to do with natural withering because it can be cured.”

And indeed, there are plenty of examples where an aging man begins to flourish in his business or looks significantly younger when he meets a new woman.

In the twentieth century, as soon as the hormone was synthesized, there was a real opportunity for the treatment of andropause.

However, men do not rush to use it, and pharmacists are not in a hurry to increase the volume of preparations accordingly. Although there are plenty of tools available today – in the form of injections, tablets, gels and patches.

However, you should not self-medicate. Improper use of preparations can completely destroy the body’s natural processes. Such therapy should only be prescribed by an experienced physician.


Benefits of Testosterone

  • Helps to concentrate
  • Improves memory
  • Influences libido
  • Increases sexuality
  • Stimulates hair and facial hair growth
  • Stimulates muscle mass growth
  • Helps to “break” the voice in adolescence
  • Slows down the aging process and protects the heart and blood vessels from atherosclerosis
  • Prevents excess fat deposits in the abdomen
  • Ensures the normal development and functioning of the reproductive system
  • Guarantees bone resistance

In order to feel like an accomplished and powerful man, it is also possible to naturally stimulate your body with natural testosterone boosting supplements.

Be a healthy man!

Edited by Ecosh: Maria-Helena Loik

Pictures: Pexels.com, Pixabay.com, Shutterstock.com

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