It is estimated that the majority of people may have intestinal parasites in their bodies. Moreover, up to 100 different species of parasites can nest in one person at a time. It’s because, sometimes it might be difficult for a person to notice their presence, as the symptoms of parasitic activity may seem to be, for instance, the flu virus. 

However, awareness about the possible symptoms that intestinal parasites cause, with what and how you can naturally get rid of parasites from your body, allows you to protect yourself with preventive actions.

So hereby, we bring more light to this subject and discuss the most common types of parasites, how to know if you might have parasites in your body, what diseases they can cause, and most importantly – how to eliminate intestinal parasites naturally.


Symptoms of Intestinal Parasites

The amount of cases of dangerous parasitic diseases has increased rather than decreased in the last decade. Some say that most of us have some kind of parasitic organism in our bodies. In America, for example, millions of adults have parasites and they don’t know it.  

One of the reasons why people don’t get well and get sick over and over again might also be due to parasites that live and rapidly multiply in the body. Parasites (intestinal) consume the waste products deposited in your body, as well as the minerals and vitamins that a person needs to function. One of the first signs that a person may have parasites is a lack of vitamins and minerals in the body.

In addition, toxins produced by parasite metabolism destroy host cells, causing organ damage. Thus, parasitic infection always causes nutrient deficiencies, disturbances in hematopoiesis and hormonal balance, pathological changes in blood vessels, and a weakening of the body’s defense mechanisms against cancer.

Signs and symptoms generally occur in stages, and can vary from person to person – some symptoms may progress rapidly over days and weeks, others may quietly sneak up over months and even years. The time it takes for symptoms to reveal or how severe they are depends on how well your body can fight and stay in balance, or whether some other type of parasites already lives in the body.

Moreover, you may not even notice the presence of parasites, as the health problems they cause are usually similar to the common cold, flu, arthritis, rheumatism, indigestion, and other conditions. 

Symptoms And Signs Of The Residence Of Parasites May Include:

  • Nocturnal salivation (drooling during sleep).
  • Gnashing of teeth.
  • Evening sweets rush.
  • Abdominal pain after eating pumpkin seeds.
  • Dark rings around the eyes.
  • Refractory anemia.
  • Lack of trace elements.
  • Indigestion.
  • In children, parasites are expressed by itching of the anus around ten o’clock in the evening, as worms (eg mallards – 1 cm) come out to lay eggs.
  • Low immunity.
  • Tiredness.
  • Restlessness.
  • Depression.
  • Memory gaps.
  • Pain.
  • Headache.
  • Salt cravings.
  • Dizziness.
  • Rash, and pimples on the skin.
  • Increased mucus and skin secretion.
  • Itching.
  • Cough.
  • Runny nose.
  • Hair loss – baldness and dandruff.
  • Nails flaking and break.
  • Sometimes with fever.
  • Inflammation of the muscles and joints (arthritis).
  • Problems with sleeping (snoring, insomnia, frequent awakenings, gnashing of teeth, twitching during sleep).
  • Menstrual irregularities.
  • Heart attacks.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Vomiting.
  • Bloating.
  • Flatulence.
  • Fatigue.

Travel Infection – Signs And Stages Of Development

When you are infected with some type of parasite during traveling, the infection manifests itself in the following symptoms and stages (these stages do not only apply to parasites you may get during the journey):

  1. Stage I. The primary sign of parasite infection is fatigue in the morning after eating fruit, which occurs about 20 minutes after eating (as sugar is the food source for parasites). Regaining from this fatigue or weakness only takes about 1-2 hours. In addition, it can also affect you psychologically – you may experience more negativity and fluctuating mood.
  2. Stage II. As the problem aggravates, you may experience abdominal pain, gas, as well as diarrhea. If in the first stage the sudden fatigue was caused by eating sugars, then later your body may already react to every food, especially raw foods.
  3. Stage III. Later in the third stage, you may experience certain types of unpleasant-smelling belching (burping) and gases (the release of sulfur compounds produces a smell similar to a rotten egg). The loss of strength after eating continues. The stool becomes liquid, which, as the infection progresses, can become chronic and change color from yellow to green with characteristic strange odors. However, it is still possible to treat this kind of infection at home with herbal remedies and proper nutrition. Though, it’s not recommended, because it’s always best to seek medical help from professional doctors.
  4. Stage VI. Diarrhea (liquid stools) leads to immense loss of fluid, accompanied by symptoms such as fever, imbalance, dizziness, weakness, and cramps. Thus, your body does not get anything necessary to function, not even water – everything comes out through vomiting or diarrhea. At this stage, you need to act quickly and go to the hospital, as the parasites have already taken over your body. These types of infections are characteristic due to parasites from southern journeys.

Sushi is rich in vitamin D

What Are The Risk Factors of Getting Parasites in Your Body?

The likelihood of parasitic infections has also risen with the increased traveling, as the tropical climate in the South increases the number of parasites. Luckily in the Nordic countries, the prevalence of some types of parasites is not that common and is controlled by minus degrees. Though you may still get parasites from all around the world from anywhere, for instance:

  • Eating raw or semi-raw meat or fish.
  • Being in contact with pets.
  • Contaminated water or food (poor sanitation).
  • Poor hygiene.
  • Unwashed hands.
  • Unwashed vegetables and fruits.
  • Doctors and especially pediatricians are also exposed to parasites, as their patients often have parasites.
  • Institutional care centers.
  • During traveling to a region known to have parasites (mostly rural or developing countries).
  • Living in regions known to have parasites.
  • Elderly people and children are more vulnerable to parasitic infections.
  • Weakened immune system.
  • HIV or AIDS (3).


Where Can Parasites Nest In The Human Body?

There are hundreds of different species of parasites in the world. Parasites living in the human body can range in size from micrometers to several meters.

Parasites can live for decades and multiply at a catastrophic rate. Some parasites adapt so well that humans do not feel their presence of them at all. So, despite strictly following the rules of personal hygiene, drinking only boiled water, washing fruits thoroughly, and not eating raw food such as meat, fish, fruits, or veggies, there is still a possibility of getting some type of parasites each day.

These three main classes of parasites that can cause diseases in humans are protozoa (unicellular), helminths (multicellular), and ectoparasites (multicellular). You can see the full list of the most common parasites that can live in the human body here.

In humans parasites may live in several places and infect many body parts and organ systems, for instance:

  • Lungs (for example lung flukes).
  • Muscles (for example Trichinella spiralis larvae).
  • Joints (Giardia lamblia infection may lead to later development of arthritis).
  • Blood (for example Brugia).
  • Lymph (for example nematodes of the family Filarioidea).
  • Brain (For example, brain-eating amoeba infection is caused by parasite Naegleria fowleri).
  • Liver (for example liver flukes).
  • Skin (for example, ectoparasites such as mites, lice, ticks, chiggers, scabies, mosquitoes, tsetse flies, fleas, and bed bugs, but also cutaneous larva migrans).
  • Eyes (for example Ocular larva migrans)
  • But mostly in the intestines, especially in the small intestine, where the main absorption of nutrients takes place (for example all helminths).

Parasites Complications

Parasites consume the same food that enters your body – meaning, they eat what you eat – primarily essential nutrients also for humans (including vitamins, trace elements, etc.). In addition, also the body’s tissues, cells, blood, and waste products.

This, however, may lead to a deficiency of the necessary substances in the body, a significant decrease in the intake of proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals, damage to the lymph nodes, intestines, liver, bile ducts, skeletal muscles, central nervous system, weakened immune system, and disrupted self-medication processes. You can see the list of the diseases and health conditions caused by parasites here.


How To Prevent Getting Intestinal Parasites

It’s always easier to prevent parasites than to get rid of parasites. Luckily, there are some things you can do to prevent parasitic infections. For example:

  • When eating raw vegetables, berries, fruits, wash them thoroughly.
  • Always wash your hands with soap before meals.
  • Avoid eating raw fish and meat, and eat all your fish and meat products properly cooked or fried.
  • Protect all food products from dust, flies, and rodents.
  • Ensure that there are no toilets, rubbish holes, or the like in the vicinity of the water distribution areas.
  • Keep your own and your pet toilets clean.
  • When traveling, drink water from store-bought water bottles and keep anti-parasite and stomach-friendly supplements on hand.
  • The best treatment for parasites is continuous prophylaxis.

Most of all, there is no point in bothering your head with the question of whether I do or don`t have parasites. If possibly nine out of ten people have parasites, you can hardly be the lucky one who doesn’t have any parasites in your body. However, analyzes are expensive and some conventional antiparasitic medication can be possibly too toxic for your whole body to perform it just in case.

It must be also said that some specialists believe that any treatment (medication, folk medicine, or other methods) in the presence of parasites will not work unless you first cleanse your body. So they suggest body cleansing courses not only for people who have a parasitic infection but for all of us from time to time to prevent the development of parasites and diseases in the event of infection.

Your Body’s Defense Mechanisms Against Intestinal Parasites

It is also believed that parasites have a place in the world and they come to our bodies to break down and remove substances that are harmful or not digested in the gut. Therefore, if you make sure that the food you eat is clean and suitable for your body, then your body does not need parasites.

The normal and healthy immune system has sufficient defense mechanisms (eg phagocytic cells (a type of immune cell that can surround and kill microorganisms, ingest foreign material, and remove dead cells), acidic gastric juice, secretions such as tears, fluid, mucus, urine, protection of dead epithelial cells, fat, etc.) against invaders and pathogens.

So, the best protection against tapeworms is considered to be the normal and healthy intestinal microflora, which is produced by eating natural and raw foods.

Some even believe that modern humans become so easily infected with many parasites because they consume too few wild plants, berries, and fungi that are rich in natural antimicrobial, parasitic, and antiviral agents.


Nutrition and Diet During Eliminating Intestinal Parasites

  • When decontaminating parasites, it is important to follow a balanced diet that is high in nutrients. Nutrient-rich foods are important for strengthening the immune system to restore the nutrient deficiency caused by parasites.
  • It is especially important to eat high-fiber food during the cleansing course, as the fibers increase the amount of residual mass, which helps to capture the parasites and keeps the regular excretion of residual mass during the cleansing of the intestine. Therapists say that a course of parasites combined with probiotics will help protect the body from future infections.
  • Some therapists and nutritionists recommend a cereal- and sugar-free diet during the cleansing course. Some suggest that in addition to reducing sugar, you should also restrict the consumption of fruits, as fruit sugar is also an energy source for parasites.
  • During the cleaning cycle, reduce or remove completely refined sugars, yeast products, and junk food from the menu.
  • To prevent further infections, it is advisable to avoid eating raw and undercooked meat and seafood and to observe hygiene requirements.
  • Parasites are well controlled by naturally occurring antiparasitic agents, which are easiest for the body to ingest with food. Include in the menu the appropriate veggies and fruits (carrots, cabbage, radishes, horseradish, pineapple, rhubarb, etc.), berries (figs, goji berries, etc.), seasoning spices (garlic, onion, oregano, cloves, etc.), and medicinal plants (aloe, day hat, etc.). The most commonly used plants to control parasites are tansy, mugwort, cloves, walnut leaves – when used together, they can kill 100 species of parasites. See the list of antiparasitic herbs and foods below.
  • Always take an anti-parasite course for the whole family at once.


How To Get Rid of Intestinal Parasites in Your Body Naturally?

Although parasites must be destroyed, they are difficult to detect in the laboratory, as the tests might be very expensive or of low certainty. In America, for example, the majority of adults have parasites and they don’t know it. 

That said, parasites can be well controlled by natural antiparasitic agents, which are easiest to administer with food. You can include in your daily diet certain antiparasitic herbs, medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, berries, and spices that are used in cooking since ancient times.

The most commonly used antiparasitic herbs include tansy (Tanacetum vulgare), mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris), cloves, and walnut leaves – when used together, these herbs may kill up to 100 species of parasites.

The List of Antiparasitic Herbs and Foods – 20 Plants That Intestinal Parasites Don’t Like

If you suspect you might have parasites in your body, you may want to try to consume more of these herbs, and foods that may kill parasites.

  1. Tansy (Tanacetum vulgare)
  2. Mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris)
  3. Cloves
  4. Walnut leaves
  5. Lavender
  6. Mint
  7. Barberries
  8. Thuja
  9. Inula
  10. Walnuts
  11. Artichokes
  12. Pomegranates
  13. Pumpkins and pumpkin seeds (pumpkin seeds immobilize the nodules and help expel them from the gut)
  14. Grapefruit
  15. Hidden-lilies, also called Curcuma, is a genus of plants that contains such species as turmeric and Siam tulip (affects parasites with four substances)
  16. Dandelion
  17. Calendula
  18. Garlic
  19. Ginger (the last four plants have a particularly strong effect, even destroying the parasites’ eggs and larvae)
  20. Vegetable oils obtained by cold pressing also have strong antiparasitic properties. Particularly strong oils include walnut oil, alum, grape seed oil, cedar oil, milk thistle oil, flaxseed oil, and apricot oil.

How To Use Antiparasitic Herbs, Plants, and Foods

  • You can use these natural antiparasitic herbs, plants, and foods while cooking, for example in salads.
  • You can use these plants listed above also to make tinctures based on oil, honey, vodka, or wine (alcohol itself helps to expel parasites). However, the doses required to expel parasites must be quite high and can therefore sometimes cause nausea.

Interesting Facts

  • The Japanese do not become infected with parasites when they eat raw fish, because together with sushi – they also eat pickled ginger.
  • It is also found that parasites are more common in people who do not like and do not consume the herbs, spices, or foods mentioned above.


Selection Of Natural Antiparasitic Supplements

Although there is no warranty or scientific evidence that any of these natural supplements will work against intestinal parasites – some people have found black walnut extract, and Para-Herb together with fiber-rich intestinal detox helpful.

1. Black Walnut Extract

In North American folk medicine, Eastern Black Walnut has been highly valued thanks to the effective action of its natural ingredients. It contains polyphenols, juglone, carotene, vitamins C, B1, B6, F, E, as well as essential oils, organic acids, tannins, and other substances. Black Walnut Extract helps to cleanse the body, supports the work of the digestive tract, and strengthens the immune system.

Black walnut is particularly rich in vitamin C, which makes it an excellent antioxidant. It protects your body from the harmful effects of free radicals and is useful for people suffering from exhaustion. Black walnuts contain eight times more vitamin C than black currants and fifty times more than citrus fruits.

The active ingredient juglone contained in Black Walnut Extract helps to purify your body from parasites, fungi, and harmful bacteria, and the active ingredient tannin helps to prevent the development of malignant processes in the gastrointestinal tract. Tannins help to form an impenetrable film in the intestines that isolates mucous membranes from damage and infections. It helps to strengthen your body’s immune system.

Eastern Black Walnut Extract: 

  • Eliminates the body from parasites (parasites, fungi, harmful bacteria)
  • Effectively supports intestinal function
  • Strengthens the immune system
  • Enhances blood production and purification
  • Helps maintain normal cholesterol, blood pressure, and blood glucose levels

How To Use Black Walnut Extract?

Suggested use: If you consume Ecosh Black Walnut Extract – take 1-2 capsules a day (if needed, 1-2 capsules twice a day) with meals or as recommended by your therapist or doctor. Take with water, and do not use for longer than 2-3 weeks.

Caution: Talk to your doctor if you are pregnant, nursing, or taking any medications before using this product. Do not exceed the stated recommended daily dose.

Walnut Leaves

2. Para-Herb

Anti-parasitic supplement Para-Herb contains eight best-known anti-parasitic bitter-tasting plants and one of the best anti-parasitic fungi. This way you can consume these bitter anti-parasitic plants in a modern, comfortable way – in the form of capsules without feeling an unpleasant bitter taste.

9 Plants Contained in Para-Herb:

1. Black walnut leaves (Juglans Nigra)

Various bitter parts of the black walnut tree have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effects. The plant contains polyphenols, juglone (also called 5-hydroxy-1,4-naphthalenedione), carotene, vitamins B1, B6, F, E, essential oil, organic acids, tannins, and other substances. Juglone is the main active ingredient in black walnut, which is effective against bacteria, fungi, tapeworms, helminths, and worms. The concentration of juglone and polyphenols in black walnut leaves is 2-4 times higher than in walnut.

2. Chanterelle (Cantharellus Cibarius)

The most wonderful feature of this fungus is the ability to cleanse the body of almost all parasites. They help with helminths, ie. fight virtually all worms in the human body, wherever they nest. The substance quinomanosis in fungi kills parasites, surrounds parasite eggs, and dissolves their shells. This unique property is a knowable characteristic to only Chanterelle.

3. Olive leaves (Olea Europaea)

Parasites are quite difficult to kill and expel, but studies are promising on olive leaf extract with other antiparasitic plants, confirming that olive leaves are anti-viral, anti-bacterial, antifungal, and antiprotozoal. Olive leaf extract also fights other dangerous microbes. 

4. Caraway (Carum Carvi)

Caraway is rich in essential and fatty oils (about 3-7%), and tannins, as well as bitter substances, make caraway an excellent digestive aid. Its essential oils relieve abdominal cramps and bloating, soothe the stomach, and stimulate appetite.

5. Clove (Caryophyllus Aromaticus)

Cloves contain essential oils, the most important of which is eugenol. In Southeast Asia, it has been used to treat many diseases for thousands of years. Cloves have antiseptic, antibacterial, and parasiticidal properties. They help prevent viral, bacterial, and fungal infections and drive out parasites. Eugenol has a strong anti-inflammatory effect. In addition, it fights bloating and gases, cleanse the liver, spleen, and skin, as well as has a calming effect on the digestive tract,

6. Yellow Gentian (Gentiana Lutea)

The roots of yellow gentian have anti-inflammatory and anti-putrefaction properties and they help to expel intestinal parasites. Some people use these roots to help with liver and especially digestive problems, as well as to cure loss of appetite and weakness. Due to its bitter taste, it stimulates digestive activity and increases appetite. It also has antifungal effects, helps fight muscle wasting, bloating, low acidity of gastric juice, and low bile secretion.

7. Cat’s Claw (Uncaria Tomentosa)

Cat’s claw is used to treat viruses, parasites, and inflammatory processes. In addition, it reduces EBV and its cofactors, streptococci A and B.

8. Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium)

Folk medicine practitioners use wormwood to eradicate intestinal parasites. Wormwood increases appetite, reduces intestinal and gastric gases, digests, and eliminates diarrhea or persistent constipation. In addition, it also helps with liver disease and metabolic disorders and eliminates bad breath.

9. Tansy (Tanacetum Vulgare)

Tansy is a highly toxic plant for internal parasites. Herbalists have been prescribing tansy herbal teas for centuries to expel worms. This herb is an effective insecticide and is very toxic to arthropods.

How To Use Antiparasitic Supplement Para-Herb?

Suggested use: If you consume Ecosh Para-Herb supplement – take 4 capsules a day 10 minutes before a meal or as advised by your doctor. Take with a glass of water. Start taking 1-2 capsules a day, and increase the dosage gradually. It’s because too fast and too many antiparasitic agents can create parasite resistance by secreting toxins from the body and increasing reproduction. This in turn can manifest as flu-like symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal cramps, and headache. Recommended period of use: 

  • 1. PHASE: 10 days, 2 x 2 capsules a day, 5 days pause
  • 2. PHASE II: 10 days, 2 x 2 capsules a day, 5 days pause
  • 3. PHASE III: 10 days, 2 x 2 capsules a day

The total length of the administration period is 40 days. Together with Para-Herb, eat fiber-rich foods or consume Fiber-rich Intestinal Cleansing Detox.

Caution: Be sure to monitor your well-being, as people’s health conditions are different. Do not use in case of pregnancy and lactation and case of hypersensitivity to any of the ingredients. In case of peptic ulcer disease, gastric hyperacidity, gastritis, blood pressure, thick blood (when taking blood thinners), kidney failure, and other more serious illnesses, consult a doctor or therapist. In children, consumption depends on the child’s age and weight, but on average 1-2 capsules a day. Together with the Para-Herb product, it is recommended to provide children with high-fiber food, which helps to expel parasites.


3. Fiber-Rich Intestinal Cleansing DETOX

Along with the Para-Herb product, we recommend eating high fiber foods or consuming a fiber-rich intestinal cleansing detox, as the fibers in this product expand into a multiple gel mass in the intestine, which absorbs residues, parasites, and toxins and then expels them gently. After destroying and removing parasites, it is necessary to restore and strengthen the normal intestinal microflora.

Intestinal cleansing Detox also contains 12 different probiotic strains that support and protect your intestinal microflora. Probiotics also help absorb nutrients. The function of probiotics is also to keep the number of pathologists (bad bacteria, fungi, pairs) under control, but they need a sufficient number of colonies to perform their function.

How To Use Fiber-Rich Intestinal Cleansing DETOX?

Suggested use: If you consume Ecosh Fiber-Rich Intestinal Cleansing DETOX – take 1 tablespoon of fiber with 1-2 glasses of water in the morning immediately after waking up or in the evening before going to bed, but be sure to schedule Para-Herb capsules and fiber at different times so that the fiber does not absorb Para-Herb herbal powder. For constipation or hemorrhoids (be careful with fibrous hemorrhoids), take fiber in the morning and consume plenty of water 1.5-2 liters during the day.

NB! The information provided here is for informational purposes only, so do not consider it as health care or medical diagnosis and treatment. Do not consider this information as a guarantee of the results you want to achieve. In addition, do not take this information as a replacement for the advice of your physician or other healthcare professional.

Even more, you should not use it to diagnose or treat a health problem. Before changing or discontinuing your existing medication, treatment, or care, or taking any dietary supplements, be sure to consult with your healthcare professional or doctor before starting any diet or program, or if you suspect you may have a medical condition.

Written by Maria-Helena Loik



  1. Parasitic Infections – Sepsis Alliance
  2. CDC – Parasites – Parasitic Transmission
  3. Intestinal parasites Information | Mount Sinai – New York
  4. Protozoa (
  5. CDC – Parasites – About Parasites
  6. The flagellum of trypanosomes – PubMed (
  7. Entamoeba Histolytica – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
  8. Roundworms: Parasitic Infection, Pinworm Symptoms, Treatment (
  9. Ectoparasite – an overview | ScienceDirect Topics
  10. Ectoparasite Definition and Examples – Biology-Online Dictionary
  11. Diseases Transmitted by Ticks – Minnesota Dept. of Health (
  12. Mite bites: Symptoms, treatment, and different bites (
  13. Mite‐Transmitted Dermatoses and Infectious Diseases in Returning Travelers | Journal of Travel Medicine | Oxford Academic (
  14. Association of Fasciola hepatica Infection with Liver Fibrosis, Cirrhosis, and Cancer: A Systematic Review (
  15. Taeniasis/cysticercosis (
  16. Tapeworm – PubMed (
  17. Tapeworm infection – Symptoms and causes – Mayo Clinic
  18. CDC – Taeniasis – Resources for Health Professionals
  19. CDC – Diphyllobothrium – Biology
  20. Flukes |
  21. CDC – Toxoplasmosis – General Information – Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
  22. What You Need to Know About Parasites (
  23. Parasitic infections of the lung: a guide for the respiratory physician | Thorax (
  24. Lymphatic filariasis (

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